Strategic Profitability Consulting

Customized consulting programs utilize my proprietary system of strategic profitability. These are the most comprehensive service packages I offer- each crafted for your unique beverage brand.

Flexible time commitments, adaptable for every skill and budget level. See all options below, and when you’re ready, book a call with me to discuss them. No obligation, no-BS Discovery Calls do not lock you into anything.


Help when you need it most

Like having an expert on speed dial. No service contract. Flat price - banked consulting hours to use whenever you need me. Hours never expire, and you can always re-up them if you need more time. This is not fully customized consulting, it’s more ad-hoc.

$2,000.00 for 6 hours of live consulting time for the price of 5

Struggling With Social?

Sometimes, you need someone to do it for you. Let me take the load off your plate if you’re short on time, budget, and marketing staff to manage your social media channels. There’s a catch - you still have to supply the photos and videos, but I will roll out a monthly content strategy for you, schedule all your posts, write your captions (with hashtags and CTAs), and monitor your metrics.

Services begin at $599 monthly for two channels and $100 for each additional channel.

Agency Services Without The Scary Price

Monthly marketing analytic reports and suggestions for your campaigns. If you’re curious about how your marketing is performing or if it’s resonating with your audience, this service is right for you. Includes monthly analysis of your website, social channels, email, ad campaigns, and optimization advice.

Advisor services are $349 monthly. Minimum 6-month contract.

Avoid The Overwhelm

Digital ads can be exhausting. They are 100% necessary these days to keep your brand relevant, but it’s a steep learning curve. It's a good thing I’ve been doing them for almost a decade. Let me take the reigns and build out a strategic digital ad campaign for your brand, execute your plan, and report back with your metrics. Easy peasy.

Campaign manager services are $799 monthly for two channels and $100 for each additional channel.

Dip A Toe Into Strategic Consulting

Bi-monthly live consulting meetings, actionable deliverables, customized goal-setting sessions, and advice between meetings. This is the diet version of my strategic consulting services. If you need unique solutions for your craft business but lack time or budget, this program is right for you.

PT Consulting is $1500 monthly. Minimum 6-month contract.

The Real Deal

Full-time strategic business consulting is the most effective way to leverage my expertise. If you need help finding direction for your business, increasing sales, improving marketing, organizing distribution, or managing team efficiency, this program is right for you. Weekly consulting calls, monthly management reviews, quarterly ownership debriefs, unlimited deliverables, and limitless results.

Programs begin at $2500 per month. Minimum 6-month contract.

C-Level Expertise Without The Salary

Get the competitive edge of a full-time Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Sales Officer without having to commit to a full-time hire. We build the plane while flying it, helping you direct your team and teaching them how to manage and execute strategic sales and marketing plans themselves.

Fractional services are $3000 per month

A full-time CMO or CSO could run you north of $ 8,000 per month.

Get The Word Out

Have a big rebrand or particular product roll out around the corner? Think about leveraging a consultant to help you navigate the product launch process. Weekly calls, limitless deliverables, advice between sessions, and access to my extensive professional network.

Launch services are $1800 per month. Minimum 3-month contract (I’m not a wizard!)

The Right Knowledge For Your Team

In a hurry? Need specialized instruction fast? I’ve got you. We work together to set customized learning goals for you and your team; then I build a boot camp-style webinar or series for you. It's pretty simple and efficient.

Custom workshops start at $2000.


There is a cure for Stagnant Sales

It’s the tipping point that brands hit when the honeymoon period of rapid growth begins to go stagnant and incremental sales seem harder to come by.

Every brand experiences this natural occurrence in their product life cycle, usually around the time of their Maturity Phase. But when a marketplace is crowded and saturated with brands, this issue shows up sooner. That’s what’s currently happening in the beverage alcohol market.

There’s nothing wrong with your brand or your business- these are normal growing pains. But that means you’ve got to change things up.

There were over 210,000 new labels approvals granted by the TTB in 2023.

The number of licensed retail accounts in the US has dropped to levels that we haven’t seen since 2010.

The number of beverage distributors in the US has been reduced by over 60% since the 1990s.

What does all of this mean for craft beverage makers?

There are more brands, less market share, and fewer wholesaler choices than ever before in the history of legal alcohol production.

Our marketplace maze is causing “purchase decision burn out” at all levels of our three-tier system, making it harder for craft beverage brands to continue adding incremental revenue. Previous selling and marketing techniques designed for our old marketplace won’t work anymore.

We have to flip the script in order to survive these new dynamic market conditions. 

We need to sell our brands with a clear purpose. We have to differentiate ourselves from the competition. We need to optimize our marketing tactics. And we have to keep our brands top of mind with our distributor partners.

Strategic advice and educational materials from Not Your Hobby Marketing Solutions will help you craft better business practices that can help remedy Stagnant Sales.

Proprietary business plans and repeatable processes provided for you in one on one coaching sessions will allow your craft brand to easily navigate our marketplace maze and account for future pivots as your brand grows and conditions evolve. Tapping into my expertise will give you the clarity and confidence you need in your business plans to rise above the noise.

We will strategize together how to take your craft beverage business to the next level, despite any challenge that the market can throw at us.

With purposeful selling techniques, optimized marketing tactics, and strategic planning, we will identify your path to profitability together, no matter your production size or resource limitations. 

We don’t need to work harder, we just have to work smarter.

There are always workarounds - I can show you how to find them.

Hi, I’m Julie Rhodes - a strategic beverage business consultant and I can help you avoid Stagnant Sales - that awful tipping point where brands begin to lose their initial mojo, feel lost in the crowd, and need to rethink how to sell and market their products. Using my proprietary ABV Path to Strategic Profitability methods, I can show you how to work smarter, instead of working harder. Strategic Profitability allows you to keep your tanks full, your sales going strong, and your doors open.

With over 2 decades of experience on the business side of the craft beverage industry, I provide strategic sales and marketing advice to small to medium-sized beverage alcohol brands through webinars, whitepapers, articles, digital courses, one on one consulting, and group coaching programs. I write, podcast, teach and speak at industry-focused events about strategic business planning, because I want craft suppliers to know that it is possible to succeed in a macro-brand-dominated market with limited resources. 

Want to know more about me personally, professionally and why I’m uniquely qualified to provide you with strategic business advice, please visit the About Me page.

ABV Path to Profitability

It’s the methodology I use for all my client partners.

It shows you how to achieve Strategic Profitability for your craft beverage business through data analysis, strategic planning, and intentional execution.

It eliminates haphazard selling.

It takes the guesswork out of your digital marketing tactics.

It helps you avoid weak distributor relationships.


The Method to My Madness…so to speak

In order to find Strategic Profitability, we need systems.

We need repeatable processes.

We need data.

We need clarity.

We need direction.

The ABV Path provides you with all of these tools so that you can level up your craft beverage business despite any challenging market conditions.

Removing the guesswork from your craft beverage business plans leads to confidence, consistency, and clarity.

The marketplace maze of new products has everyone in the industry rethinking how to approach sales and marketing tactics in order to differentiate their unique craft brands.

Strategic advice and educational materials from Not Your Hobby Marketing Solutions will help you craft better business practices that cater to our dynamic market conditions. Proprietary business plans and repeatable processes will allow your craft brand to easily navigate the marketplace maze and account for future pivots as your brand grows and the market evolves. Tapping into my expertise will give you the clarity and confidence you need in your business plans to rise above the noise.

With purposeful selling techniques, optimized marketing tactics, and strategic retail planning, we will identify your path to profitability, no matter your production size or resource limitations. We will blaze a unique trail to long-term growth for your craft beverage business together. Ready for the journey?


Not quite ready yet?

That’s okay, take your time.

To get a taste of my expertise, teaching style, and resources, subscribe to The Bottleneck - my email community where I send out occasional correspondence with industry trends, business lessons to be learned (with a little humor), upcoming events, course updates, and more.

Sometimes I just shoot out a message to check on how you are doing in this crazy world.

Follow the link to signup.

PS - privacy and consent is a big deal for me. Do NOT opt-in if you don’t want to receive emails from me and be confident that your personal info stays put in my office. No sales lists. No prospecting calls. No BS. I don’t have time for that sh*t.