Case Studies

13% Average Increase in Wholesale Sales Volume

17% Average Increase in Distribution Footprint

Over $300M managed

Here are a few examples of results achieved with my consulting client partners. Since I work closely with revenue and sales data, I don’t publicly publish brand names to protect client-consultant privacy relationships. If you want to connect with one of these brands personally, please contact me and ask. I’m happy to make an introduction for a referral.

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20K BBL Craft Brewery in the PacNW

Mission: serve as the Fractional CMO to lead the marketing department, identify areas of opportunity, optimize current marketing activities, onboard new marketing personnel, establish a Strategic Marketing Plan and KPIs, create a digital advertising campaign & multi-segment email marketing strategy, optimize sales materials, increase private event revenue, market new food program in taproom, create processes & systems to track marketing metrics

Results: creation of a full-stack Strategic Marketing Plan incorporating email, SMS, social media, digital advertising, SEO, website optimization, and automation to drive revenue for the taproom, wholesale channel, private events, loyalty club, and food program; weekly tracking of marketing KPIs; increases noted in social media post engagement rates and ad CPCs at under $1.00 across the entire campaign

12K BBL Craft Brewery in the NE

Mission: organize & train the sales team, create a Strategic Marketing & Sales Plan, guidance through major distribution network restructure, add new chain authorizations, manage brand sponsorships, organize digital advertising campaign, optimize social media marketing, establish sales & marketing KPIs and data systems to track progress, launch line extensions

Results: 8% increase in wholesale volume over 18 months; new chain authorizations; established KPIs for sales & marketing teams; Strategic Sales & Marketing Plans executed & tracked weekly; established Scorecard systems for personnel; successfully transitioned the brand from one statewide distributor to a network of 10 distributors; initiated & optimized digital advertising campaigns

250K Gal Hard Cider Company in the SE

Mission: increase wholesale volume & distribution, onboard a Sales Rep, build a new Marketing team from the ground up, onboard an Events Coordinator, improve relationships with wholesalers, increase chain authorizations, increase tasting room sales, organize infrastructure of business & create a company-wide strategic business plan that aligns with revenue goals, launch Imperial Cider line, overhaul website & social media campaigns, initiate digital advertising campaigns, construct data analytics tools for sales & marketing departments, reduce expenses

Results: 16% avg increase in wholesale volume over two years; doubled chain authorizations; processes in place for hiring, onboarding & utilizing scorecard systems for personnel; Strategic Business Plan created & KPIs tracked weekly; currently pursuing market expansion; systems in place for private event revenue; increased tasting room revenue by $300K


2K BBL Craft Brewery

Mission: develop full wholesale program with Strategic Sales Plan & trackable KPIs for self-distribution in one state, onboard and train a dedicated sales rep, optimize digital marketing strategies & content, DIY sales data analytics using accounting software, strategic account prospecting, beginning to work with chain accounts & securing authorizations, developing a strategic brand calendar with product releases for wholesale, analyzing COGs for wholesale offering efficiency, increasing wholesale sales

Results: increase in wholesale sales volume of 17% in year one and 5% in year two; onboarded & trained dedicated sales rep; established KPIs and a Strategic Sales Plan; expanded distribution by over 40%; established chain buyer relationships; optimized sales & marketing materials; leveraged SMS & email marketing for B2B sales

5K BBL Hard Cider Company in the PacNW

Mission: onboard & train a dedicated sales team, interpret wholesale sales data and learn to use distributor partner data portals, adopt a CRM program for the sales team, optimize sales & marketing materials, build brand decks for chain sales, prepare Annual Brand Planning Meeting materials for multiple wholesalers, demand plan for harvest season, set projections for 18 month sales period, creation of a Strategic Sales Plan with trackable KPIs, create programming for national accounts, expansion planning to additional states, brand decks for large sponsorship packages

Results: increased wholesale volume by 75% in year one; was on pace to increase wholesale volume by 35% in year two; tripled distribution footprint; execution of Strategic Sales Plan with trackable KPIs; chain decks & programming; additional chain authorizations; airport placement; optimization of website & marketing materials; optimized sales materials; onboarding & training of two sales reps; adoption of a CRM system; successful transition from tracking sales by units to case equivalents; annual brand calendar & sales SOPs; distributor ABP deck & sales data metrics

Hard Cider Product Launch

Mission: successfully plan and launch a cider line extension as an entirely new brand; increase wholesale sales for that specific SKU; expand distribution to 16+ states; create chain pitch decks & promotional programming to secure incremental chain authorizations; create volume program for wholesale; create systems for preparing ABP decks for wholesalers; optimize new brand marketing materials & orchestrate strategic product launch marketing plans

Results: successful on-time launch of new cider brand - progressive rollout model of 7 key states, followed by the outlying markets based on sales volume projections; digital marketing launch to coincide with wholesale channel release; optimized marketing & sales materials; chain deck with annual programming; onboarded Director of Sales to assist with execution


Brewery Taproom in Planning in CA

Mission: assist taproom in-planning with strategic marketing plans, grand opening launch, digital advertising campaign, building social media presence from the ground up, establishing an email & SMS marketing program, promoting a branded podcast, wireframing a sales plan for future wholesale distribution, instruction for content creation & scheduling, tracking marketing metrics

Results: successful launch of branded social media channels with an optimized content plan for maximum brand awareness; creation & execution of Strategic Marketing Plan with KPIs based on brand awareness conversions; digital advertising campaign creation & execution; email list building & content schedule; e-commerce merchandise program; advisory plan for entering the wholesale channel; from 0 followers to 8K+ and growing

4K BBL Craft Brewery in the SE

Mission: establish a Strategic Sales & Marketing Plan with trackable KPIs inspired by the EOS management system, create repeatable systems & processes to increase wholesale channel and taproom revenue, creation of promotional programming for wholesale, securing additional chain authorizations, onboarding & training the sales team, optimizing the website, leverage marketing metrics, analyze wholesale sales data & market trends, establish a digital advertising & email marketing program, and guide the team through a complete rebrand

Results: 15% growth in wholesale volume in year one; 11% growth in wholesale volume in year two; on pace to hit 13% growth in year three; average of 30% distribution footprint growth over 2 1/2 years; creation of incentive programs for distributor sales teams; multiple chain authorizations; creation & execution of EOS-style strategic business plan across the entire organization; Strategic Marketing Plan and rebrand activation

3K BBL Hard Cider Company in the Midwest

Mission: organize wholesale sales channel activities and strategic planning with distributor partner, determine if the distributor was the right fit, optimize sales & marketing materials, optimize digital marketing channels, sales data analytics, marketing metrics, chain presentations & programming in order to secure more chain authorizations, onboard and train a sales rep, increase wholesale volume and distribution, direction for Annual Brand Planning meetings with distributor

Results: wholesale volume increase of 30% over the course of 12 months; incremental chain authorizations and program activations; distributor transition; onboarded & trained sales rep; established Strategic Marketing & Sales plans with trackable KPIs; creation of strategic ABP meeting deck with sales data analysis and brand calendar